According to Variety Magazine, the delay was caused after 'Pan', which is a new take on the Peter Pan story, took the superhero epic's original theatrical release date of July 17th, 2015.
The ' Man of Steel' sequel will feature Henry Cavill as Superman, while Batman will be played by Ben Affleck .
“It is the thing that will help tell that story,” Snyder said about the quote. Obviously, the director wanted to hint that he will use the antipathy between the pair in Miller's comic as the basis for his new film. Miller’s story is landmark because it’s the first Superman and Batman tale where the two characters were not allies.
Their at-odds dynamic became canon for comics, so it’s a pretty obvious indication that instead of being pals off the bat (pardon the pun), Superman and Batman will be, if not enemies, adversaries.
ComicBook.com did some digging and figured out, that Warner Bros. has registered the domain names SupermanVsBatman.com, BatmanVsSuperman.com, and BatmanVsSupermanMovie.com. Although, as it turned out, these domains were registered in 2001 and 2002.
Screenwriter David Goyer during the Superman 75th Anniversary panel at Comic-Con spoke about the Man of Steel sequel and possible titles, and his words also hint at a possible plot of the new film: “So the next film we’re making, we’re already in pre-production, comes out in summer of 2015 and it’s – we’re actually not sure whether the title is Superman vs. Batman or Batman vs. Superman but yes, it’s – that rematch, that combination, the two guys onscreen and that’s happening.”
The title makes more sense than World’s Finest Movie since people that don’t know comics won’t understand the title.
As of yet, there is no official title.
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