The person who is using system regularly, damages in the body and eye is called as Computer Vision Syndrome'. The person who using system for more than 3hrs and above daily has affected in the above.
Drowsy, Back pain, neck pain, head ache, hands, wrist pain are the symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome.
Some Tips to avoid the Computer Vision Syndrome, Check the position of the seat which you adopted to sit before the system, it should be background by lighting or window. Please stand and walk for every few hours while using the system. The seat should be adjusted in increasing the height and reducing height.
The distance between the eyes and screen should be about 33cm and more. It will also reduce the radiation between the system and eyes. Check the power of your eyes in every 6 months with eye specialist.
Exercise your eye in between the usage of system by looking the objects at 20 feet for 20 second for every 20 minutes. Drink water regularly for every 30 minutes it will help to increase the water agent in the eyes and body.
Wash your eyes in the fresh water for every 1 hour it also helps to keep eyes fresh and cool. Be safe friends so your parents would be happy and be proud of your job.Also have fresh juices other than cool drinks ( ie. Coke and Pepsi ) have much fruits so it reduces the temperature in the body while using system.
Please follow the 20-20-20 rule, in every 20 minutes see object in 20 feet distance for 20 second, so your eyes will get relaxed and continue you work.
Author : Shri
Drowsy, Back pain, neck pain, head ache, hands, wrist pain are the symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome.
Some Tips to avoid the Computer Vision Syndrome, Check the position of the seat which you adopted to sit before the system, it should be background by lighting or window. Please stand and walk for every few hours while using the system. The seat should be adjusted in increasing the height and reducing height.
The distance between the eyes and screen should be about 33cm and more. It will also reduce the radiation between the system and eyes. Check the power of your eyes in every 6 months with eye specialist.
Exercise your eye in between the usage of system by looking the objects at 20 feet for 20 second for every 20 minutes. Drink water regularly for every 30 minutes it will help to increase the water agent in the eyes and body.
Wash your eyes in the fresh water for every 1 hour it also helps to keep eyes fresh and cool. Be safe friends so your parents would be happy and be proud of your job.Also have fresh juices other than cool drinks ( ie. Coke and Pepsi ) have much fruits so it reduces the temperature in the body while using system.
Please follow the 20-20-20 rule, in every 20 minutes see object in 20 feet distance for 20 second, so your eyes will get relaxed and continue you work.
Author : Shri
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