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10 Health Benefits of Egg Plant (Violet Brinjal)

Written By Just 10 Media on 6/17/2014 | 15:33

Here are mentioned a number of benefits that you can obtain by having eggplant(brinjal) :

1. Cancer Prevention:

A Japanese study has indicated that eggplant juice can be used to fight cancer since it is rich in trypsin. This compound can neutralize the cancer-causing cells in humans.

2.  Cardiac Health:

Eggplant contains many nutrients like beta-carotene, fiber and antioxidants. Together, these help the body cope with stroke and the risk of heart diseases. Research findings show that people with elevated amounts of beta-carotene in the blood are less prone to heart ailments.

3.  Hypertension Prevention:

Clinical search attributes lack of potassium as the main cause behind hypertension. Eggplant contains potassium and low amounts of sodium, a combination ideal for combating hypertension.

4.  Blood Cholesterol Check:

Eggplant is rich in fiber and helps thwart cholesterol absorption, especially the harmful LDL cholesterol into the blood stream.

5. Diabetes Prevention:

Eggplant extracts and juice can be used to inhibit an enzyme leading to type 2 diabetes.

6.  Atherosclerosis Prevention:

A study has shown that eggplant can be used in the diet to prevent clogging of arteries in the human body. It helps in slowing down fat accumulation in blood vessels, keeping your heart healthy.

7.  Brain Health:

Eggplant contains several phytonutrients that help brain development in humans. By offering your kids eggplant juice, you can ensure they have an active and healthy brain.

8.  Controls Obesity:

You may not have heard of eggplants being used in weight loss diets. However, including eggplant juice in your diet can actually help you shed those ugly layers of flab faster. It aids in the body’s fat burning process. Its fiber content helps you feel satiated for long periods, preventing binge eating.

9.  Nervous Tension Reduction:

It is believed that including eggplant in your diet can be good for your nerves. Two of its components, scopoletin and soroparone, plays a role in calming down nerves.

10.  Blood Clot Prevention:

Eggplant can help in preventing formation of blood clots. Its bioflavonoids and Vitamin K content help strengthen the capillaries.

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