See The Top 10 Best Here
For every great movie that released every year, there will be always a number of worst movies that comes with it. And here are my “Top 10 Worst Movies of 2013” that I have sadly compiled into the list:
In this third and final movie of the lucrative HANGOVER franchise, director Todd Phillips does the impossible by ditching the concept of the hangover premise itself and replaced with an uninspired comedy that is neither outrageous nor particularly hilarious.
When I first watched all the trailers, I was very convinced that A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD will deliver its promise. But the movie itself turned out to be a huge disappointment. Director John Moore single-handedly ruined the iconic DIE HARD franchise by shooting the picture with lots of handheld camera! Not surprisingly, the action is chaotically staged to the point of WTF-moment. In fact, it’s a very noisy movie and even the presence of Bruce Willis as John McClane is nothing more than an auto-pilot performance.
A big budget misfire where the filmmakers of the hugely-successful PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN franchise thought they can reap magic on whatever materials being tasked for – which in this case, a long-forgotten franchise of THE LONE RANGER. Unfortunately this hugely expensive Western movie is a bloated mess – it is way too long (149 minutes?!), surprisingly lack of action, too many unnecessary subplots and characters while Armie Hammer is terribly miscast as the title character.
This sequel surprisingly made a lot of money at the box office, but the movie itself is one lazily-constructed comedy that’s hardly funny and all the cast here are basically cashing in big paycheck without making much effort.
6. R.I.P.D.
I got three words for this turd: D.O.A. Yes, as in dead on arrival. Despite the inspiring pair-up of Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges, this MEN IN BLACK rip-off is full of crap.
Great real-life figure always make a great biopic, right? In the case of DIANA, it’s not. This poorly-scripted biopic manages the impossible by making her a strict caricature where Naomi Watts’ Princess Diana acts like a giggling schoolgirl who falls in love with Naveen Andrews’ Hasnat Khan. Are we supposed to watch a biopic or a Hollywood-like fairy tale romance?
Before I begin, I must applaud the ambition of director Yusry Abdul Halim and his KRU Studios for trying to break the international market by making a big-budget historical epic with a mix of international cast. In fact, he is bold enough to make a Viking movie usually reserved for Hollywood filmmakers! But VIKINGDOM is an epic failure. You name it – bad script, uninspired direction, cheap-looking special effects and the lead actor, Dominic Purcell, is terribly miscast as the lead Viking hero who looks like he’s been high on drugs 24/7.
This sci-fi second sequel to the cult favorite PITCH BLACK and the underwhelming CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK is a crushing bore. The movie is surprisingly long-winded with too many expositions while the action is poorly executed with too many close-ups. Even the return of the fan-favorite Vin Diesel as Riddick is an empty shell this time around.
The once-reputable director M. Night Shyamalan (THE SIXTH SENSE, UNBREAKABLE) has done it again… but not in a good way, of course. Despite the involvement of Will Smith, his performance is shockingly stiff who looks constipated the whole time. And his real-life son, Jaden Smith doesn’t have enough personality to carry most of the heavy lifting. As a post-apocalyptic adventure, AFTER EARTH is surprisingly minimal in action and suspense. Even the special effects are average-looking for a big budget summer movie.
Once upon a time, Andrew Niccol was an ambitious visionary director when he first debuted in 1997’s GATTACA. But he hits an all-time low for second time in the row after 2011’s IN TIME with the painfully slow-moving sci-fi/teen romance drama, THE HOST. It’s hard to believe a reputable director like him would end up making a movie so ponderous and yet so lifeless. If you ever have insomnia, this movie might be a cure for you.
Source : K4M
For every great movie that released every year, there will be always a number of worst movies that comes with it. And here are my “Top 10 Worst Movies of 2013” that I have sadly compiled into the list:
In this third and final movie of the lucrative HANGOVER franchise, director Todd Phillips does the impossible by ditching the concept of the hangover premise itself and replaced with an uninspired comedy that is neither outrageous nor particularly hilarious.
When I first watched all the trailers, I was very convinced that A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD will deliver its promise. But the movie itself turned out to be a huge disappointment. Director John Moore single-handedly ruined the iconic DIE HARD franchise by shooting the picture with lots of handheld camera! Not surprisingly, the action is chaotically staged to the point of WTF-moment. In fact, it’s a very noisy movie and even the presence of Bruce Willis as John McClane is nothing more than an auto-pilot performance.
A big budget misfire where the filmmakers of the hugely-successful PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN franchise thought they can reap magic on whatever materials being tasked for – which in this case, a long-forgotten franchise of THE LONE RANGER. Unfortunately this hugely expensive Western movie is a bloated mess – it is way too long (149 minutes?!), surprisingly lack of action, too many unnecessary subplots and characters while Armie Hammer is terribly miscast as the title character.
This sequel surprisingly made a lot of money at the box office, but the movie itself is one lazily-constructed comedy that’s hardly funny and all the cast here are basically cashing in big paycheck without making much effort.
6. R.I.P.D.
I got three words for this turd: D.O.A. Yes, as in dead on arrival. Despite the inspiring pair-up of Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges, this MEN IN BLACK rip-off is full of crap.
Great real-life figure always make a great biopic, right? In the case of DIANA, it’s not. This poorly-scripted biopic manages the impossible by making her a strict caricature where Naomi Watts’ Princess Diana acts like a giggling schoolgirl who falls in love with Naveen Andrews’ Hasnat Khan. Are we supposed to watch a biopic or a Hollywood-like fairy tale romance?
Before I begin, I must applaud the ambition of director Yusry Abdul Halim and his KRU Studios for trying to break the international market by making a big-budget historical epic with a mix of international cast. In fact, he is bold enough to make a Viking movie usually reserved for Hollywood filmmakers! But VIKINGDOM is an epic failure. You name it – bad script, uninspired direction, cheap-looking special effects and the lead actor, Dominic Purcell, is terribly miscast as the lead Viking hero who looks like he’s been high on drugs 24/7.
This sci-fi second sequel to the cult favorite PITCH BLACK and the underwhelming CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK is a crushing bore. The movie is surprisingly long-winded with too many expositions while the action is poorly executed with too many close-ups. Even the return of the fan-favorite Vin Diesel as Riddick is an empty shell this time around.
The once-reputable director M. Night Shyamalan (THE SIXTH SENSE, UNBREAKABLE) has done it again… but not in a good way, of course. Despite the involvement of Will Smith, his performance is shockingly stiff who looks constipated the whole time. And his real-life son, Jaden Smith doesn’t have enough personality to carry most of the heavy lifting. As a post-apocalyptic adventure, AFTER EARTH is surprisingly minimal in action and suspense. Even the special effects are average-looking for a big budget summer movie.
Once upon a time, Andrew Niccol was an ambitious visionary director when he first debuted in 1997’s GATTACA. But he hits an all-time low for second time in the row after 2011’s IN TIME with the painfully slow-moving sci-fi/teen romance drama, THE HOST. It’s hard to believe a reputable director like him would end up making a movie so ponderous and yet so lifeless. If you ever have insomnia, this movie might be a cure for you.
Source : K4M
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