Southern Tamil Actor Danush, who is now stepped into Bollywood. Made a debut in Anand L Rai's movie titled "Raanjhanaa" and now there is a news that the actor has signed in for another movie under the direction od Aanand L Rai.
Confirmation has been given by the Danush by posting on his twitter page. That film also along with the co-star of Raanjhanaa "Sonam Kapoor and Abhay Deol and they have roped Aisha in lead roles.
Raanjhanaa which also casted by Swara Bhaskar, Mohammed Zeeshan, Shilpi Marwaha and Suraj Sing and it will be hit Bollywood Screens on June 21 of this year.
Actor Danush's Twitter ID :
He tweeted that : It's final.glad 2 announce dat I'm doing another film wid Anand in 2014 which wil b a bilingual n will be produced by wunderbar films and Anand.
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