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5 Foods That Makes Smarter - Improves Memory

Written By Just 10 Media on 6/09/2013 | 20:48

Leafy vegetables : While many of us tend to turn our faces the other way when it comes to eating our greens, but research says that they're excellent for your brains. Spinach and broccoli are high in antioxidants like Vitamin-C and beta-carotene, know to be healthy for the body. They also contain folate, which is known to improve how fast we take in information and recall it.

Eggs : Packed with minerals and vitamins, eggs are excellent brain food. Rich in iron, iodine and vitamin B12, eggs should form a regular part of your diet. While iron creates red blood cells, which carry oxygen to your brain, keeping you alert, iodine is known to improve problem-solving abilities.

Green Tea : Did you know that your brain is made up of almost 80 percent water? This means you need to keep it adequately hydrated so that it functions well. While drinking the requisite eight glasses of water are essential, you could also have a cup of green tea daily. Researchers say that green tea increases mental alertness and improves memory while the antioxidants found in it reduce the risk of dementia.
Oily Fish : A common problem that several people face today is trying to recollect simple everyday tasks - what errands you need to run, who you're supposed to call or what you had for lunch. So if you're among those who wants to improve your memory, go in for oily fish. Experts says that omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish like sardines, salmons and mackerel are great for overall health and especially the brain. Include a portion of oily fish in your diet at least twice a week to prevent memory loss.

Chocolate: Rich in flavonoids (brain-boosting chemicals), moderate consumption of dark chocolate is known to improve cognitive skills, says experts adding thet flavonoids also activate the formation of new neurons in the brain so that new memories can be formed and so improve blood flow to the brain.


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